Sole-Source Contracting



Alaska Native Corporations (ANC) have been granted special contracting opportunities under the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) for government contracts in general and for DoD contracts in particular. These include unique 8(a) rights, expedited A-76 authority, and bonuses for DoD contractors that subcontract with ANCs. However, to fully put these rights to work in order to aggressively attack the extreme poverty that exists in Alaska Native Villages, ANC-owned firms often need mentoring from large established government contracting firms that can help guide them through the intricacies of DoD contracting and provide technical support while the firms are building their in-house capability.  


Steven Roberts
SBA Business Opportunity Specialist (BOS)

(907) 271-3313

Direct Email

Project Offer Letter Email

ANC 8(a) Contracting Advantages


ANC 8(a)s can receive DoD Direct Awards up to $100M without a J&A (FY2020 NDAA Section 823) and $25 million for Federal Government agencies


ANC Direct Awards cannot be protested (13CFR124.517(a))


ANCs can negotiate directly with the Government through 8(a) Sole Source contracting (13CFR124.503(c)(2))

Four Simplified Steps Using the SBA 8(a) Sole Source Program

ADditional Details

  • Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) may be awarded sole-source contracts of any size. They are exempt from the 8(a)sole-source thresholds of $4 million for service contracts, and $6.5 million for manufacturing contracts (FAR 19.805-1)

  • The ‘Head of Agency’ thresholds for native 8(a) contracts from $22-93 million is no longer at the head of agency level and can be delegated to a lower level within the agency

  • ANCs may own multiple 8(a) companies [13 CFR 124.109 (c)(2)(iii)]

  • “Indian organizations and Indian-owned economic enterprises shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in performing contracts awarded by Federal agencies.” (FAR 26.102)
  • ANC sole-source awards cannot be protested [CFR 124.517 (a)]

  • The approval threshold should NOT be seen as a barrier to awarding these contracts

  • Small Business Administration defines all Alaska Native Corporations as Indian Tribes for purposes of eligibility for special programs (13 CFR 124)


Want To Know More?

As a SBA Certified 8(a)Small Disadvantaged Business able to qualify in all NAICS, we invite teaming opportunities from industry partners.